Saturday 21 September 2013


You have searched high and low to find that perfect piece of art. As you gaze at this new found treasure you can feel your heart rate slow as you are immersed in the peaceful scene that has touched your soul (or perhaps your heart races with the unbridled excitement that the artist has injected into the image).Either way this piece is an extension of your psyche, a statement of the ideology that makes you who you are. You let your eyes drift through this masterpiece, finally wandering to the outside edge. Hmm… Could be better. It’s true that the artwork is a reflection of you… But that frame? Really? Really is that what the artist had in mind to complement this labour of love? To cap the hours of toil and the years spent honing creative ability and technique? Well it was handy. And the price was right. It was lying right there, behind the furnace or maybe in that Big Box bargain bin. Maybe it doesn't match, or fit quite right, but it was handy. The clothes may make the man, but does the frame define the artwork?

A simple silver or black frame
will look good...
...and go with any decor,
but it isn't the only option. 

Let’s assume for a moment that you are the artist. Or perhaps you are. Perhaps it is your own mastery of the camera, the palette and paint, the needle and thread, or the paper and paste that you are putting on display. You probably know exactly the mood that you are trying to convey, the best way to compliment the essence of the piece.

Using "Integrated Framer" simulation software, we can
project the look of many framing options....
With hundreds of styles and colours of frames available, combined with even more choices in liners and mats, there are mathematically millions of choices available to frame any given image. But there are usually not that many perfect options. There will be a lot of bad choices, some good choices and a few that are very good. It is in the artists’ blood to think of the balance of materials, of composition and of colour. Everyone has some degree of artistic ability and with the proper investment of time and patience anyone can dress this image to impress. But if you don’t have the time to study the science that supports the art, then perhaps working with a professional picture framer is the best way to get that image on the wall in a timely and elegant fashion. 

...From bold colours to simple and traditional, you can
"try on" any frame to make sure it fits "just right."
 The right choice of framing will not make the picture sing, but it will help it carry the tune. If care and attention are given to the presentation, that carefully chosen image may become a part of you that outlasts the curtains, the carpet, the couch and the chair.

If the piece holds meaning it deserves to look its best. It’s an investment that will pay dividends for many years to come. And most importantly it is a reflection of you. 

"Made to Last"
Stuart Peterson

This framing combination consists of 2 frames layered 
together with a shiny black mat around the image. 
Museum glass sits between the two frames, 
adding depth to the image without a loss in clarity. 

This Post By: Scott

Edit: Originally posted on August 30, 2013

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