Monday 25 November 2013

Know Your Framing: Glass

As the old saying goes, not everything is created equal. This is especially true for glass. Most of us are familiar with clear and non-glare glass, but did you know that glass is also graded by its conservation value? From Clear to Museum, the glass covering your artwork is every bit as important as the colours you choose to put around it. Be sure you are making an informed decision by learning about the different glass options right here!

Clear – 45% UV Protection, 8% Light Reflection, Over 90% Light Transmission
-        Works well in any presentation hung in a controlled lighting environment
-        Can be used with any number of mats

Non Glare/Reflection Control – 45% UV Protection, 8% Scattered Light Reflection, 89% Light Transmission
-        Ideal for minimizing glare and reflection when conservation grade UV protection is not a concern
-        Use on any framing project with up to two mats away from artwork without significant resolution loss

 Conservation (UV) Clear – At least 97% UV Protection, 8% Light Reflection, over 89% Light Transmission,
-        For protecting artwork against damage and fading caused by UV light, especially old or fragile items
-        Ideal for any framing application, if reflection-free viewing is not important

Conservation (UV) Non Glare/Reflection Control – At least 97% UV Protection, 8% Scattered Light Reflection, 89% Light Transmission
-        To minimize glare while protecting artwork against harmful UV light rays, especially old or fragile items
-        Use on any framing project with up to two mats away from artwork without significant resolution loss

Clear: 8% Light Reflection, over 89% Light Transmission
Museum: Less than 1% Light Reflection, Over 97% Light Transmission
Reflection Control: 8% Scattered Light Reflection, 89% Light Transmission
Museum – 99% UV Protection from every angle, Less than 1% light reflection, Over 97% Light Transmission, Optical Coating, Anti-Static
-        For virtually invisible glazing that will enhance colors, brightness and contrast levels of all types of artwork, even posters
-        For protecting valued diplomas or irreplaceable artwork against damage and fading caused by UV light
-        Ideal for framing applications, including shadow boxes, multiple mat or deep framing projects
-        Optical coating gives true colour transmission and the greatest colour neutrality 

Clear vs Museum
The benefits of Museum Glass are especially apparent on shadow boxes, appearing almost invisible. 
This post by: Megan 

Monday 18 November 2013

The Cadillac Experience

In the 1930s Nicholas Dreystadt took over the management of the Cadillac Division of General Motors.  Cadillac was in dire straits and probably would have sunk like a stone but Nicholas took a new tact.  “The Cadillac Customer” he said, “does not buy transportation, he buys status!”  This statement would have been nothing but hot air except for one thing.  They could supply the quality to back up the claim.

A Caddy to the uninitiated looks much like any other vehicle, four wheels, seats, headlights, etcetera but it’s what’s underneath that takes the product to the next level.  I believe that there are parallels that can be drawn in any competitive service industry, so let’s take custom picture framing as an example.  On the surface most frames look basically the same: four corners, hangers and wire surrounding some worthy art piece.  But there is much more to it than that.
The obvious questions run something like this: Does the frame compliment the piece in color, texture and style?  Does the weight of the frame and the width of the mats or liner support the piece visually without overpowering it?  Is the whole package pleasing to your eye as the paying customer?  What’s underneath is actually more important than what is on the surface.  Cadillac would not have become an icon if it had built pretty cars that couldn't stand the test of time.
Will the framing package that you are buying preserve that work of art or destroy it?  The quality of framing products varies widely and often the effects are not immediately noticeable.  Are the mats conservation quality or will they discolor and erode the artwork?  Does the glass block ultraviolet light which will damage the image?  More importantly can the person behind the counter guide you through the maze of what you need or do not need to give you the best product for the best value?

Framed $100 bill, Museum glass,Suede mat with debossing, Double frame with fillet.
An investment in status
The Cadillac experience begins on the showroom floor, where the customer is treated as a person of status.  Sales people are expected to be knowledgeable and courteous.  The product should please the eye while resisting the effects of time.  The entire experience should be completed as a dialogue that enables the customer to make an informed decision that satisfies the wants and needs of the purchase.  Every customer deserves that same experience whether buying a car, a picture frame or simply investing in status.
This post by Scott

Tuesday 12 November 2013

The Framer’s Wife
Official Blog #2

The Art of Shopping

Eco Fair Trade purses and Salad Forks
As the wife of a framer/gift store owner I get a fantastic opportunity to shop.  Shop till I drop and not spend a dime of my own money…. Now that being said, I also don’t get to take any of my purchases home.  Well…I guess that is not entirely true, I purchase unique items for the store that I happen to love as well and maybe an item or two does find a way home!

Every year the Framer and I go to gift shows to find the most unique items to sell in our store.  Always on the hunt for handcrafted, distinctive giftware from Canada and the rest of the world, we drift from booth to booth – quite literally through thousands of purveyors eager to promote their latest and greatest items.

The first year was the most overwhelming!  We had blisters on our feet, cramps in our calves and headaches.  What to purchase?  Our store is only so big.  What will Lethbridge and area love?  Now 8 years later, we have honed our “shopping” experience.  We know which areas to concentrate on and have developed a way to see the most booths without getting the dreaded shopper’s blister!

Kitras Art Glass
We purchase with you in mind, our wonderful customers.  We invite you to come and see our latest lines of giftware like Kitras Art Glass which is proudly hand crafted in Canada!  Each piece shines with beauty catching the light and sharing its rainbow of colors on the world.  Guess I kinda like them!  I wonder which one will find it’s way home??????

this post by Melina

Monday 4 November 2013

Oversize Framing: City of Lethbridge Maps

Scott peeks out from behind the City of Lethbridge
This large map of the City of Lethbridge measures in at 74” x 66”. Because of the size, the map was actually printed in 2 pieces, then dry mounted to foam core. We carefully trimmed the overlapping areas and taped them together from the back. To give this framing proper stability, the two map pieces are attached together horizontally and then two additional pieces of foam core are attached vertically and placed behind them as backing.

The piece is glazed with an acrylic called Lexan; a strong, lightweight plexi glass, and  hangs with 2 sets of metal security hangers.

This post by: Megan