Tuesday 12 November 2013

The Framer’s Wife
Official Blog #2

The Art of Shopping

Eco Fair Trade purses and Salad Forks
As the wife of a framer/gift store owner I get a fantastic opportunity to shop.  Shop till I drop and not spend a dime of my own money…. Now that being said, I also don’t get to take any of my purchases home.  Well…I guess that is not entirely true, I purchase unique items for the store that I happen to love as well and maybe an item or two does find a way home!

Every year the Framer and I go to gift shows to find the most unique items to sell in our store.  Always on the hunt for handcrafted, distinctive giftware from Canada and the rest of the world, we drift from booth to booth – quite literally through thousands of purveyors eager to promote their latest and greatest items.

The first year was the most overwhelming!  We had blisters on our feet, cramps in our calves and headaches.  What to purchase?  Our store is only so big.  What will Lethbridge and area love?  Now 8 years later, we have honed our “shopping” experience.  We know which areas to concentrate on and have developed a way to see the most booths without getting the dreaded shopper’s blister!

Kitras Art Glass
We purchase with you in mind, our wonderful customers.  We invite you to come and see our latest lines of giftware like Kitras Art Glass which is proudly hand crafted in Canada!  Each piece shines with beauty catching the light and sharing its rainbow of colors on the world.  Guess I kinda like them!  I wonder which one will find it’s way home??????

this post by Melina

1 comment:

  1. The art glass is beautiful! I wonder how long you can resist taking one home with you! And how will you choose?!
