Thursday 20 March 2014

When Will It End?!

When will it end?!?! It’s been winter for so long so very very long! These four walls are my protection from the biting cold but also the cage that I pace as I muter observations and accusations in the vernacular of the intoxicated sea goer. Beyond the window lies  frozen drifts, lakes of ice and frigid winds so treacherous that life would be untenable without these four walls. Somewhere on the distant horizon is fleeting spring, summer is a flash in the pan and autumn, autumn heralds the fall of leaves, plunging mercury, diminishing daylight and the ushering in of winter most foul.

I’ve never become friends with the coldest season. So I shut the blinds tight and turn inward to my cage, my gilded cage. These walls may protect me and confine me but they are so much more. For these walls are adorned with the visions of the artist, the soul of the dreamer. On these walls are memories of the moments that define me and images of places that I have not yet been. They hold family and friends, the past, the present and the future in a riot of colour that I can always count on, no matter what prevails beyond these walls.
So try your best winter, I will never embrace you, but you will never defeat me. These four walls have been fortified and energized to carry me far beyond your icy grip. They quiet my mind, they warm my heart and they soothe my ragged soul.

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